Digital marketing
Web design
Our website acted as the central hub for news about Go Periscope. We would regularly update it with new music, videos, photos, and blog posts. The website’s design and functionality have both evolved and changed many times over the years to reflect the stages and creative direction of our music project.
Responsive email design
As our following grew, it was important to develop a direct line of communication with our fans. In exchange for free giveaways and early access to content, people would opt-in to our mailing list. I built a comprehensive email marketing strategy and designed fully-responsive, mobile emails. People on the list would receive timely communications whenever we would have a new music release, updated merchandise, or upcoming shows.
Video & Audio Production
Creative direction, audio production, music composition, and production of the music video to our song, Wasteland. (Co-produced by: Jade Ehlers, Wade Yamaguchi, Christian J. Sweet, and Florin Mehedinti.)
Burning Out the Sun
Creative direction, audio production, music composition, and production of Burning Out the Sun. (Co-produced by: Jade Ehlers, Janssen Powers, and Florin Mehedinti.)
Crush Me
Creative direction, audio production, music composition, and production of Crush Me. (Co-producer: Florin Mehedinti. Director, Producer: Shayla Jones. Director Of Photography, Editor: Blaine Ludy)
Alive & Well
Music composition and audio production for the song Alive & Well. (Co-credit: John Mode, Florin Mehedinti.)
Music composition and audio production of Drifters. (Co-credit: John Mode.)
Music composition, audio production, and motion design for Awake. (Co-credit: Seth Bolin, Florin Mehedinti.)